Deeper Experiences

I think social media has put us in a weird position. We see how social media can make our businesses blow up but it’s not really talked about if this is good or bad. Or better yet if it’s even giving us the right people. You have to imagine that people today are a bit …

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The Compound Effect

When you’re trying to make money it can be easy to overlook the compounding effect of consistently helping people over time. At the beginning, things seem slow because nobody knows you. Then a couple of people do and if you’re lucky some of those people will start mentioning you to others. This might not seem …

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Hard Selling

Throughout this course it might seem like I don’t like hard selling and that isn’t technically true. While I don’t like to hard sell there are times when it makes perfect sense to. For example, if I’m launching a new offer and it has some time-based part of it that can only be had if …

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Posting Signs

Look, none of this works if it doesn’t eventually bring you money. I want you to treat your audience in an amazing way but that doesn’t pay the bills. The only way a Feel Good Funnel works is if you: We’ve talked a little bit about how you can create amazing content in this course …

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The Pain

Aspirational content is powerful. It’s what can get someone who doesn’t know you to start paying attention to you. Content that addresses the pain someone has though is the content that will make you money. Why? Because when someone is experiencing pain that is when they start to look for solutions. If you’re out having …

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The Opportunities

The people you are talking to are on an island. They are miserable on this island. There is nothing to do, but they don’t know about any other islands so they don’t do anything. They accept being miserable because what else is there? One day they receive a message in a bottle from you. It …

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The Secret

We haven’t talked much about actual content creation yet in this course so let’s do that. Over the years I’ve written over 1000 emails and 50+ sales pages. It’s hard not to get good at things when you put in that many reps. But over time, I’ve found that not everyone writes emails or sales …

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The Infinite Business

This lesson won’t apply to everyone. It’s a very idealistic approach to business that doesn’t fit all circumstances. I say that because there are times you might see an opportunity to make a lot of money in a short period of time and you want to take advantage of that opportunity to set yourself up …

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