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How to Jump 6 Months Into the Future

First, let’s get to the punchline so you don’t have to scroll.

This service is $5,000 upfront and includes everything that you’re going to read below.

The money back guarantee is simple. If you don’t get everything that is in the package delivered within 28 business days of submitting the welcome questionnaire then you get all of the money back plus everything that was done with the business.

For most people, this is at least 6 months of work when you include the research, figuring things out, and whatever mindset issues that need to be overcome.

You can go through all of that yourself to get the full Solopreneur experience or you can skip ahead and get on with the business building.

Who Is This For?

Second, let’s get to who usually buys this service.

  1. Those who want to build an online business but continue to get in their own way and know that if they had the foundation set up then they could run with it.
  2. Those who know that time will get in their way and want help in speeding up the completion of the one-off tasks so they can focus on growing the business.

What kind of business will be built? One that revolves around selling knowledge. This comes in the form of digital products and/or coaching.

What Do You Get?

  • A fully functional content site with all required pages to get love from the search engines
  • 50 SEO-optimized blog posts in 3-5 topic clusters to jumpstart your SEO
  • A 5 to 7-day email course to use as a lead magnet
  • A landing page for the email course
  • List of offer ideas to sell to your audience
  • Social media content strategy plan

If you don’t understand the importance and value of these things then I’d advise you go through the free Pocket Business Course to see if this is how you want to build an online business.

It won’t take long.

The Foundation Is the Hardest Part

When building an online business it can feel like there are a ton of moving parts and at the beginning there are. But there are two types of tasks that you’ll have to do as you move forward:

  1. One-off
  2. Evergreen

When building a business on your own these two tasks overlap and cause things to slow down.

You want to get to a point in your business where you’re only doing evergreen tasks (building relationships). This service helps you get to that point sooner.

With your site and foundational content set up you can start on the outreach for your site without having to worry about if everything is in place.

If you have questions don’t hesitate to send an email to