The Flawed Funnel

First, a recap of the basic Customer Journey that we discussed: Let’s say you send all of your social media traffic to a sales page. That means that the sales page has to do an excellent job of accounting for the first three phases. Your hope is that your social media content has done a …

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The Improvement

Over the years I would often confuse myself about how I could sell to everyone. I had built up audiences (in the general sense) and I wanted to sell $100+ offers to them. So I did what every marketer tells you to do and I pushed them to my mailing list. Because as they say, …

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The Customer Journey

One of the biggest struggles with a traditional funnel is that it doesn’t account for all aspects of the Customer Journey. I’ll explain why after we talk about the Customer Journey first. There are a number of different definitions of the Customer Journey so if you’ve come across it before you might see something different …

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The World, The System

I believe the most successful Creators are World-Builders. They are able to craft a world that their audience wants to be in. That their audience ACTIVELY visits. But what does this mean? When you look at your business it’s easy to separate it into multiple pieces.  When your offers aren’t selling you might look at …

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The Offer

Once you have your outcome then you might move over to your unique mechanism. That’s what your offer is all about. (Note: You don’t need to do an offer immediately if you aren’t sure what to create. Let’s just assume you have one though.) In the previous lesson, I mentioned that my offer helps a …

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Building Your Customer

The most important lesson I can share about brand marketing is this: you definitely, certainly, and sure don’t have enough time and money to build a brand for everyone. You can’t. Don’t try. Be specific. Be very specific. Seth Godin In my opinion, this is the most challenging aspect of building a business. Figuring out …

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Why We Need Better Marketing

Why do we need better marketing? To be honest? I hate selling. I think there are a lot of people out there that are dying to start their own business or even just make some money on the side. A lot of different things can hold them back but one of them is usually the …

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Crafting a Better Experience

“If failure is not an option, then neither is success.” Seth Godin I’m starting this course with this quote because it’s a mindset that you need to adopt yourself. A lot of what you’re going to learn here is going to feel right because it’s about making others happy. However, in the world of marketing, making …

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