Building Your Automated Sales Machine

This is where things get interesting because you’ve been shown a map of how to do something, but this map has a million different paths. Which path do you choose? I’m going to give you three options. Are there more? Of course! But I’m only going to give you three and it depends on what …

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Automated Sales Machine Analytics

One of the fun things about running an Automated Sales Machine is looking at the numbers. One of the unfun things about running an online business is looking at the numbers when they aren’t going up or even worse going down. So what numbers really matter? To be honest, the only number that matters is …

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The 3 Business Engines

Your Automated Sales Machine runs on 3 engines. I don’t want to complicate things and get you to think too hard, but the idea is that you want all of these engines to be humming mostly on their own. If one isn’t running then you’re always going to be around maintaining your business. With everything …

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Building a Pocket Business

You might be surprised to know that we’ve covered all of the strategies behind building an Automated Sales Machine. That was it. You can take what you’ve learned here, look at another online business, and see how they are applying all of the principles. More importantly, you can understand why some businesses work and most …

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Building an Offer Portfolio

We’ve talked enough about the audience variable of the formula. Now, it’s time to talk the offer. But first, what is an Offer? An Offer isn’t a product, but it does contain a product. Confused yet? Think of it like this. A restaurant’s offer isn’t food. It’s the whole experience including the food. From the …

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Your Content Flywheel

You might’ve already forgotten about the two layers of audience-building so here’s a quick refresher. These layers help to dictate the type of content you should be creating. We can look at another one of my brands The Obsidian Tavern for an example. This site helps people with world building and writing fiction. If this …

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How to Exist Online

It’s who you know. That made sense before social media and don’t get me wrong, it’s still great to know important people. But when it comes to your business the truth is… It’s who knows what you do. If people don’t know you and what you do then you don’t exist online. This was always …

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Building an Audience

Building an audience online is a numbers game, but the problem is that most people focus on the wrong numbers. Your goal with your Automated Sales Machine is to build an audience of true fans. These are the people that love everything that you do. They consume everything that you put out and have no …

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The Pocket Business Formula (or What Is a Business?)

Building an Automated Sales Machine comes down to simplicity. The simpler you can make it, the better your results. This means that if you’re going to build a business you need to understand how business works. And not just an online business. All businesses. That’s where the Pocket Business Formula comes into play. It’s a …

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